for the past five years....
....I have sat for countless examinations in Uniten's MPH (multi-purpose hall). This is the place, as Melissa puts it, "where all the tension and freak-outs when I'm inside you". As far as I can remember, it has always been bloody cold inside the MPH, with the air-cond blasting at maximum power, cold enough to numb all my extremities fingers and left me thinking of nothing else but how to warm my fingers so that they are still usable by the time I left the hall. It doesn't help either that the flourescent spotlights glare down from above, exposing every crater on the skin, and causing flourescent phobia especially among the ladies.
However, yesterday, during my last final exam paper in Uniten, MPH had a power failure! Isn't it ironic, University Tenaga Nasional 'tak ada elektrik'. It was so amusing that I cannot help laughing in the hall.
There are so many memories and incidents that happened during this five years period. So many things that I am going to miss once I leave this place. What I am going to write next might not be understood by those not involved, but it's all about you guys, my friends!
1. A 'Hello!' on an overhead bridge can start a friendship that lasts five years and still counting.
2. Sometimes, chicken chop can be a bit too 'undercooked' at the Suisse Cafe in Uniten.
3. DoReMiFaSo was the ultimate fear of mamak store operators in Serdang from year 2003-2004, thanks to their laughing prowess.
4. Star-gazing is fun, but triple so when done with housemates.
5. If you want a free meal, a game of 'Chor Dai Dee' can easily earn you one.
6. Civil engineering students tend to choose the Hakka Village as birthday celebration venues.
7. When bored, SMS everyone to wear same colour t-shirts to lectures and have a group photoshoot.
8. It is recommended to do (7) at the very last minute.
9. Watching movies together on the PC can be more fun than the cinema, and less expensive.
10. Free-style massage can be mastered through experience.
11. Discussions for semester break trips are highly recommended to be conducted through MSN conversations.
12. A pot of Chinese tea can be used either to kampai or to curse each other.
13. When going for trips, always bring a camera tripod.
14. If (13) is fulfilled, expect at least one hour per destination for photo shootsand reshoots.
15. Mamak sessions should be filled with crappy stories such as the one with an old virgins' house and crazy old men.
16. The ultimate level of mamaking is three sessions in one night.
17. Green tea is good for health, depending on who's thechick one selling it.
18. It is highly fashionable to take photos inside a toilet, especially one in the GBH showroom.
19. Even though a song such as 'Wu Ding' is very nice, it should not be repeatedly sang for five times in RedBox.
20. Sitting for four hours in Sushi King and drinking lots of green tea is good for health.
21. The ideal evening tea is nasi lemak Sg. Besi with green tea and a pack of poker card.
These are some of my fondest recollection of the events that had occured for the past five years, my university life memories. As popularized by Carlsberg, 'the good things in life are shared'. I have shared with you my happy memories with you. Please don't forget them ok, because we have been through them together.
Happy graduation, and happy new-beginning!
-Tribute to my friends, students of University Tenaga Nasional intake June 2001 batch-
However, yesterday, during my last final exam paper in Uniten, MPH had a power failure! Isn't it ironic, University Tenaga Nasional 'tak ada elektrik'. It was so amusing that I cannot help laughing in the hall.
There are so many memories and incidents that happened during this five years period. So many things that I am going to miss once I leave this place. What I am going to write next might not be understood by those not involved, but it's all about you guys, my friends!
1. A 'Hello!' on an overhead bridge can start a friendship that lasts five years and still counting.
2. Sometimes, chicken chop can be a bit too 'undercooked' at the Suisse Cafe in Uniten.
3. DoReMiFaSo was the ultimate fear of mamak store operators in Serdang from year 2003-2004, thanks to their laughing prowess.
4. Star-gazing is fun, but triple so when done with housemates.
5. If you want a free meal, a game of 'Chor Dai Dee' can easily earn you one.
6. Civil engineering students tend to choose the Hakka Village as birthday celebration venues.
7. When bored, SMS everyone to wear same colour t-shirts to lectures and have a group photoshoot.
8. It is recommended to do (7) at the very last minute.
9. Watching movies together on the PC can be more fun than the cinema, and less expensive.
10. Free-style massage can be mastered through experience.
11. Discussions for semester break trips are highly recommended to be conducted through MSN conversations.
12. A pot of Chinese tea can be used either to kampai or to curse each other.
13. When going for trips, always bring a camera tripod.
14. If (13) is fulfilled, expect at least one hour per destination for photo shoots
15. Mamak sessions should be filled with crappy stories such as the one with an old virgins' house and crazy old men.
16. The ultimate level of mamaking is three sessions in one night.
17. Green tea is good for health, depending on who's the
18. It is highly fashionable to take photos inside a toilet, especially one in the GBH showroom.
19. Even though a song such as 'Wu Ding' is very nice, it should not be repeatedly sang for five times in RedBox.
20. Sitting for four hours in Sushi King and drinking lots of green tea is good for health.
21. The ideal evening tea is nasi lemak Sg. Besi with green tea and a pack of poker card.
These are some of my fondest recollection of the events that had occured for the past five years, my university life memories. As popularized by Carlsberg, 'the good things in life are shared'. I have shared with you my happy memories with you. Please don't forget them ok, because we have been through them together.
Happy graduation, and happy new-beginning!
-Tribute to my friends, students of University Tenaga Nasional intake June 2001 batch-
在国能大学求学的五年里,我们所做的不外是努力应考,然后七嘴八舌的讨论要去哪里度假,接着就在短短几天内拍了千多张照片回来。。。再不然就批评这个讲师那个讲师,讨论如何庆祝某某人生日,在成绩揭晓时有人欢喜有人悲。不过,大家很快地在新的学期又有了新的开始,新的忙碌。每个学期都闹出新的笑话,尤其是doremifaso 的笑话堪称经典之作。
其实真的很感恩能认识你们这班朋友,因为你们丰富了我在国能大学的每一天! :-D
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:38 PM
haha square x 2, try to calculate how many pics we have took in the past few years :p Yup, every new semester brought us new beginnings, so now let the new phase of life brought new beginnings too. Thank you for the memories too! :p
Posted by
Davkong |
4:00 PM
yah, 9, 10, 12, and 17 are ours..and 21 also, muahhaha! Sure we will meet again. See you soon!
Posted by
Davkong |
4:53 PM
hey, u really done a great job by posting this blog...It reminds me of the memories we have in UNITEN...especially the chicken chop of admin and the story of the old virgin house and an old man in rashmier mamak....HAHAHAHAHA!!
I won't forget all of u: REMIFASO...Thank you for being my good companion to share all the sorrow and joy!!Wish all of u a bright future ahead..But dun ever forget to look backward sometimes to remember me as ur friend, ya!!!
P/S I would like to add 1 more:
Remember to specify that u want a TIN of coke INSTEAD of a bottle when u make ur delivery order from PIZZA HUT... :pp
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:05 PM
so happy that you read this post :D Hahhaah, not one 'tin', but two 'tins' haha!! Of course I won't forget you this old friend. Find some day to hang out together k!
Posted by
Davkong |
4:02 PM