Friday, November 25, 2005 


I was travelling back to Serdang after spending the past few days in JB. Today's weather was very beautiful, the sky was really blue and the clouds spotless white. I just lean on to the seat and with my mp3 player playing, taking in the beautiful sky scene. I recalled the verses of a poem I read before, 'Joy is a butterfly, fluttering low over the earth...'. At that moment, I truly felt happy. It was that one moment, when it seemed that happiness is a puff of cloud floating slowly above the bright blue sky. I have come to believe that there is no such thing as the beginning to happiness. Clinging on to the idea that happiness is an on-going process will only make failure and sorrow harder to accept. For me now, happiness just comes out of the blue, and for that one moment, cherish it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 

the journey

From start to start, end to end,
a traveller's road is never easy
North to south, east to west,
in the end it will still be the same
The sun shines and sets, the moon glows and hides,
the traveller's path is set before his eyes
Who are my family? Who are my friends?
but those whose paths crossed before the end
A glass of wine, a huge embrace,
is all I need to forget your face
The traveller continues to walk on and on,
until he stops on one autumn morn
Somewhere far away, beyond the horizon

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  • I'm Davkong
  • From City A1, Malaysia
  • A dreamer...who thrives on family, love and friendship.. Nothing else matters for me
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