tell me that....
This is what I got so far...
Arena(known to self and others) giving, observant, self-conscious | Blind Spot(known only to others) able, accepting, caring, cheerful, friendly, helpful, idealistic, intelligent, introverted, kind, knowledgeable, loving, modest, nervous, patient, relaxed, religious, responsive, sentimental, shy, tense, trustworthy |
Façade(known only to self) complex, searching | Unknown(known to nobody) adaptable, bold, brave, calm, clever, confident, dependable, dignified, energetic, extroverted, happy, independent, ingenious, logical, mature, organised, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, self-assertive, sensible, silly, spontaneous, sympathetic, warm, wise, witty |
The table above is self-explainatory. The words in bolded red colour are the characteristics that most people who have contributed to my Window thought suited me the most. It's just that....
Come on, tell me what kind of person you think I am.... o_O
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