Sunday, April 09, 2006 

job hunting....

....that's what I am doing right now. Going to get my car soon, the monthly installments aren't going to pay for themselves are they?

From now on I have to write only good things here. I forgot to not include my signature in my emails to my possible future employers, and it happened that my signature is the address to this blog!

And to solicit some merit points: Please employ me, I am a good guy.

Thursday, April 06, 2006 


It has been a week since I unofficially declared myself as a graduate from Uniten. I have been staying in my sister's place in Sunway. It is a very nice apartment, very high up. There's a whole row of shops just near the entrance. The balcony faces the LDP, and at night I can get a breathtaking view of the surrounding areas of Puchong and Sunway. It can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, seeing all these sparkling lights down below me, like a dream. And that is what the Klang Valley is to most Malaysians, the Valley of Dreams, not forgetting also the Valley of Heavy Traffic Jams and High Living Costs. Novertheless, I think that there's a lot of opportunity for me to start my career here.

Aaron has been suggesting that maybe I can consider staying in Sunway together with my sister for long term. I am still contemplating on that idea. With all due respect I love my sister dearly, but I don't like to be told of what I should and should not do. I am a man of freedom (ehem!). Still I hope we can stay somewhere near each other, so that we can visit often and have dinner or something together.

Next week I will be going back to Sitiawan for a round, then maybe out to JB. And then I will start looking for a job.

I have this kinda weird feeling about Serdang. I remembered coming to the Mines Wonderland on a school trip ten years ago. It has always been a 'place that I had once visited'. Then, I got into Uniten, stayed in Serdang, and after five years, this place has been like a home for me. This was my first home away from home that wasn't really my home (!!!). And I remembered telling my friends that I would never want to stay there any longer, that it's time to fly away. Yeah right. Two days ago I flew back to Serdang, on the chilly winds of the night. Seeing the familiar bends and buildings filled me with pangs of sad joy, considering that this home is now not my home anymore. Shit, I am being over-sentimental here.

Anyway, that's what life is all about. So, carpe diem!

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  • I'm Davkong
  • From City A1, Malaysia
  • A dreamer...who thrives on family, love and friendship.. Nothing else matters for me
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"Wants to make a favorable impression and be reward..."

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