Friday, March 31, 2006 

for the past five years....

....I have sat for countless examinations in Uniten's MPH (multi-purpose hall). This is the place, as Melissa puts it, "where all the tension and freak-outs when I'm inside you". As far as I can remember, it has always been bloody cold inside the MPH, with the air-cond blasting at maximum power, cold enough to numb all my extremities fingers and left me thinking of nothing else but how to warm my fingers so that they are still usable by the time I left the hall. It doesn't help either that the flourescent spotlights glare down from above, exposing every crater on the skin, and causing flourescent phobia especially among the ladies.
However, yesterday, during my last final exam paper in Uniten, MPH had a power failure! Isn't it ironic, University Tenaga Nasional 'tak ada elektrik'. It was so amusing that I cannot help laughing in the hall.

There are so many memories and incidents that happened during this five years period. So many things that I am going to miss once I leave this place. What I am going to write next might not be understood by those not involved, but it's all about you guys, my friends!

1. A 'Hello!' on an overhead bridge can start a friendship that lasts five years and still counting.
2. Sometimes, chicken chop can be a bit too 'undercooked' at the Suisse Cafe in Uniten.
3. DoReMiFaSo was the ultimate fear of mamak store operators in Serdang from year 2003-2004, thanks to their laughing prowess.
4. Star-gazing is fun, but triple so when done with housemates.
5. If you want a free meal, a game of 'Chor Dai Dee' can easily earn you one.
6. Civil engineering students tend to choose the Hakka Village as birthday celebration venues.
7. When bored, SMS everyone to wear same colour t-shirts to lectures and have a group photoshoot.
8. It is recommended to do (7) at the very last minute.
9. Watching movies together on the PC can be more fun than the cinema, and less expensive.
10. Free-style massage can be mastered through experience.
11. Discussions for semester break trips are highly recommended to be conducted through MSN conversations.
12. A pot of Chinese tea can be used either to kampai or to curse each other.
13. When going for trips, always bring a camera tripod.
14. If (13) is fulfilled, expect at least one hour per destination for photo shoots and reshoots.
15. Mamak sessions should be filled with crappy stories such as the one with an old virgins' house and crazy old men.
16. The ultimate level of mamaking is three sessions in one night.
17. Green tea is good for health, depending on who's the chick one selling it.
18. It is highly fashionable to take photos inside a toilet, especially one in the GBH showroom.
19. Even though a song such as 'Wu Ding' is very nice, it should not be repeatedly sang for five times in RedBox.
20. Sitting for four hours in Sushi King and drinking lots of green tea is good for health.
21. The ideal evening tea is nasi lemak Sg. Besi with green tea and a pack of poker card.

These are some of my fondest recollection of the events that had occured for the past five years, my university life memories. As popularized by Carlsberg, 'the good things in life are shared'. I have shared with you my happy memories with you. Please don't forget them ok, because we have been through them together.

Happy graduation, and happy new-beginning!

-Tribute to my friends, students of University Tenaga Nasional intake June 2001 batch-

Thursday, March 30, 2006 

time flies.... another 3 hours and 44 minutes I will be sitting for my very last exam paper for obtaining my bachelor's degree.

I can't wait for the arrival of dawn, my beginning of the end. It will be a beautiful day ahead!

Mood: 'With An Orchid', by Yanni

Sunday, March 26, 2006 

i have some words to say....

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

If you think that we are friends, hear out what I have in store for you!^_^

Friday, March 24, 2006 

tell me that....

"The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up."

This is what I got so far...


(known to self and others)

giving, observant, self-conscious

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, accepting, caring, cheerful, friendly, helpful, idealistic, intelligent, introverted, kind, knowledgeable, loving, modest, nervous, patient, relaxed, religious, responsive, sentimental, shy, tense, trustworthy


(known only to self)

complex, searching


(known to nobody)

adaptable, bold, brave, calm, clever, confident, dependable, dignified, energetic, extroverted, happy, independent, ingenious, logical, mature, organised, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, self-assertive, sensible, silly, spontaneous, sympathetic, warm, wise, witty

The table above is self-explainatory. The words in bolded red colour are the characteristics that most people who have contributed to my Window thought suited me the most. It's just that....
Come on, tell me what kind of person you think I am.... o_O

Thursday, March 23, 2006 

i should be a sportsman....

I got this very interesting link from You can upload a photo of your face and the application will match your face with one of the celebrities in their extensive database. This is what I got:



o_O wat the....!!!

What happened to all my Sharon Stones???

I should go and learn a sport...I think sumo would be good.

Now see if you are a sportsman like me ==>

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  • I'm Davkong
  • From City A1, Malaysia
  • A dreamer...who thrives on family, love and friendship.. Nothing else matters for me
My profile Davkong took the free personality test!

"Wants to make a favorable impression and be reward..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

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