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Wednesday, August 16, 2006 

beauty? beast?

This article from today's Star newspaper caught my attention:

Sophia Loren, 71, has been voted the most naturally beautiful person in the world, Digital Spy reports.

The Italian actress, who has put her success down to “life, spaghetti, and the odd bath in virgin olive oil”, beat competitors such as Cameron Diaz, Johnny Depp and George Clooney for the top spot.

Loren has spoken out about rejecting cosmetic surgery on her nose when she was younger and is well known for her looks. The Archbishop of Genoa has joked of his opposition to cloning: “An exception might be made in the case of Sophia Loren.”

The top 10 in full:
1. Sophia Loren
2. George Clooney
3. Charlotte Church
4. Catherine Zeta Jones
5. Johnny Depp
6. Kate Winslet
7. Gwyneth Paltrow
8. Jack Black
9. Cameron Diaz
10. Gail Porter

This , my friend, is the same Sophia that prompt Kenny Sia to dedicate a whole article on her here.

(Source: http://www.kennysia.com)

Also making it to the no.8 on the list is Jack Black.

Now what was the Archbishop of Genoa thinking of when he made that cloning statement???

Ok, bashings aside, I think Sophia must have been really pretty in her youth. There were countless accounts where she's-so-pretty-that-she-hurts Monica Bellucci, my goddess, has been dubbed as the second Sophia Loren. I mean, if all Monica can do is to fill up Sophia Loren's shoes, then Sophia's shoes must be very big shoes (?).

And here is Monica, plain and natural as I like it.

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